Add Perp V2 Liquidity
Supply Liquidity and earn fees from Trading.
Last updated
Supply Liquidity and earn fees from Trading.
Last updated
In order to provide Perpetual V1 liquidity, head to: and connect your wallet.
Make sure you are on the 'Perpetual V2 Liquidity' Tab.
To start depositing or withdrawing liquidity, click on the button 'Deposit' or 'Withdraw'.
All the information you need to know about the KAVA and USDt pools are visible on the right hand side of the Perpetual V2 Liquidity Dashboard, including:
Total Pool Amounts
Your Wallet holdings
Your Total unrealized Profit/Loss
The user has two options:
Deposit/Withdraw Liquidity into/from the KAVA Pool.
Deposit/Withdraw Liquidity into/from the USDt Pool.
In order to start depositing liquidity into one of the pools, simply choose the token you want to provide/withdraw liquidity to/from, and enter the amount:
Lastly, confirm the transaction by clicking 'Approve'.